
7 Tips for Caring for Indoor Succulents

Indoor succulents are a popular choice for those looking to bring a touch of greenery into
their home. These plants are low maintenance and easy to care for, making them perfect for
beginners or those with busy lifestyles. However, there are a few key things to keep in mind
when caring for indoor succulents to ensure they thrive. Here are some tips to help you
keep your indoor succulents healthy and happy.

What exactly are succulents?

Succulents are a group of plants that have fleshy leaves or stems that store water. They are
native to dry regions and are known for their ability to survive in those conditions.
Succulents come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and are popular as indoor and
outdoor plants. Picking succulents for indoor spaces is a great choice because they have the
ability to survive in indoor conditions with minimal watering.

Some of the most popular succulent plants to keep indoors

  • String of Pearls – This is a trailing succulent that is easy to care for and is perfect for
    hanging baskets. It has tiny, round leaves that resemble pearls.
  • Jade Plant – This succulent is also known as the “money tree” or “money plant.” It has
    round, fleshy leaves that are green in colour and resembles a small tree.
  • Aloe Vera – This succulent is known for its medicinal properties, and its fleshy leaves
    contain a gel that is used to treat burns and other skin conditions—another great reason
    to keep it around.


  • Zebra Plant – This succulent has thick, fleshy leaves that are striped with white bands,
    giving it a zebra-like appearance.
  • Christmas Cactus – This succulent is known for its showy blooms that appear in the
    winter, hence the name “Christmas Cactus.” It has flat, fleshy leaves that are usually
    green in colour.

How to pick the right succulent for your home?

If you want to enrich your indoor environment with succulents but are not sure how to
decide, there are some factors you can take into account. When caring for indoor
succulents, you want to ensure that you can handle their individual needs. Therefore, pick
the one that you have time and patience for.

When it comes to lighting conditions, succulents come in a range of light needs, from low to
bright. Choose plants that will thrive in the amount of light you have in your home. Also,
consider the size of your space and pick succulents that will fit well in the space you have.
Some succulents grow large, while others stay small and compact. When choosing your
perfect plant, consider the amount of time you have to water your plants and pick those
that match your schedule, as some need more water than others.

Additionally, choose succulents that you also find attractive and that fit your personal style.
Some succulents have unique shapes, colors, and textures that can add a touch of whimsy
to your indoor space. Ultimately, consider how much time and effort you are willing to put
into caring for your succulents. Some plants require more attention than others, so choose
plants that match your level of interest and dedication.

Simple tips for caring for indoor succulents

Getting succulents is the easy part, but now you need to ensure you take good care of them
and keep them alive! This is especially important if you are relocating and want to bring
your succulents with you
. Ensure to properly pack plants for moving so that they get to their
destination in one piece. And if you are on solid ground, follow our tips for caring for indoor
succulents to get the best results.

  1. Give them light
    Provide bright, indirect light, as succulents need bright light to thrive. However, be mindful
    of too much direct sunlight—it can burn their leaves. Place your succulents near a window
    that gets bright, indirect light, or use a grow light if necessary.
  2. Let them dry
    Ensure you allow enough time for the soil to dry out between watering. Succulents are
    drought-tolerant plants and do not like to be over-watered. Allow the soil to dry out
    between watering to prevent root rot. A great rule to follow is to wait until the top layer of
    the soil is dry before watering again.
  3. Mind the soil
    Soil matters, so make sure to use the right type of soil for your plant. Succulents need well-draining soil that won’t hold onto moisture for too long. For instance, cactus or succulent potting mix is ideal, or you can make your own by mixing equal parts potting soil, sand, and perlite.
  1. Stay away from humidity
    Unlike with other plants you may be used to, you want to avoid misting or humidifying your
    succulents. They do not need high humidity levels, and misting can actually lead to fungal
    growth on the leaves. Keep your succulents in a well-ventilated area with low humidity.
  1. Easy on the fertilizer
    Succulents do not need a lot of fertilizer, and too much can actually harm them. A light
    application of cactus or succulent fertilizer once a month during the growing season is
  2. Keep an eye out for pests
    Succulents can be susceptible to pests such as mealybugs, spider mites, and scale. Keep an
    eye out for any signs of infestation, and use a pesticide specifically designed for succulents if
  3. Give them space
    If you notice your succulent growing, repot when necessary. Your succulents will need room
    to grow, so be sure to repot them into a larger container when they outgrow their current
    one. This will also give you the opportunity to refresh the soil and give your succulents a
    boost of nutrients.

Once you have chosen to enrich your space with the right type of succulent, all you need to
do is give them the right kind of love. Caring for indoor succulents is relatively easy, but they
do have specific needs. By providing things like bright, indirect light, allowing the soil to dry
out between watering, and using the right type of soil, you can ensure that your indoor
succulents truly thrive. With these simple tips, you’ll be able to enjoy your indoor succulents
for years to come.

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