
8 Tips for Gardening with Your Kids

Spending more time outside is good for everyone, regardless of age. It has been linked to greater physical and mental well-being and lower blood pressure. Also, playing in the dirt and tending to the plants in your garden can be very fun. By encouraging kids’ love of gardening from a young age, you can help them form healthy habits and find a way to de-stress in their adult life. However, not all parents know how to introduce their children to gardening. That’s why, in this article, we compiled a list of tips for gardening with your kids in a way that will be fun for them.

Tip #1: Get Appropriate Tools

As you probably know, having the right tools is essential for gardening. However, when gardening with your kids, another thing is crucial: the size of the tools. Unless you have snug-fitting gloves and hand tools made especially for kids, your children might struggle with them. For example, your child probably won’t be able to lift a heavy metal watering can you use daily. That’s why you should probably get a lighter plastic watering can. Usually, tools made for kids are also adorable, which is another thing that can motivate them to use the tools.

Tip #2: Start Small

While having beautiful, blooming gardens that extend for acres is something we all aspire to, gardening with children requires us to be practical. So, begin by planting some strawberries or tomatoes in a few pots or a small garden bed. If you don’t have a backyard, you can make an apartment garden to take care of together. Growing vegetable tops in a cup of water are probably one of the simplest methods to get started gardening, and it’s also apartment-friendly.

Tip #3: Give Your Child Freedom

Give your kids control over their garden bed so they may choose the plants they wish to grow. For example, if you have a big backyard, choose a part of your garden that your kids will take care of. Of course, you can always help them, but you must give them the freedom and space to try things out independently with your guidance.

If you’ve just moved into a new home with a garden, this could be an excellent way to spruce it up together and make it your own. Years later, your child will look back at it and remember all the fond memories you created there together.

Tip #4: Look for Quick Results

The answer to the question, “what should I plant with my kids?” is more or less straightforward. When gardening with your kids, you should choose plants that will give you quick results—radishes or cress. Alternatively, you can choose some colorful flowers like sunflowers. Anything big and fuzzy or colorful will delight your child. They’ll be over the moon to see results from the work they did with their own two hands.

However, don’t forget to pay attention to the season you’re in. Planting season-appropriate plants will ensure they don’t die or wilt too early.

Tip #5: Turn It Into a Game

Don’t turn gardening into a chore if you want to get your kids interested in gardening. Instead, make it a reward or a hobby you enjoy together. Allow them to play with dirt and water however much they want. You’ll probably have to bathe them anyhow, so why should you attempt to keep them as clean as possible? It’s a fool’s errand anyway.

Tip #6: Grow Carnivorous Plants

Most kids are fascinated by carnivorous plants, as are many adults. So, introduce your children to a Venus fly trap to make things more interesting. No doubt your kids will get a kick from watching flies get caught in the sticky traps, and it will be an excellent biology lesson.

Tip #7: Prepare for Disappointments

You should consider using twice as many seeds or seedlings when gardening with kids. If you have ever gardened alone, you know how easily things can go wrong, plants die, or seeds don’t sprout. You’ll reduce the risk of disappointing your kid by doubling the number of plants. Of course, if a seed doesn’t grow or a plant wilts, you should use this opportunity to talk about disappointment and your feelings. It can be a good learning opportunity for life: sometimes you can give your best but still don’t succeed. 

Furthermore, if a child messes up, be patient with them. Use this as a teaching moment as well. We all make mistakes, so show them if there’s a way to fix it and potentially save their plants.

Tip #8: Get Creative

Growing plants isn’t the only goal of gardening. Making a scarecrow, a bird feeder, or even painting rocks to use as plant labels in the garden are all fun crafts for kids. While smaller kids can plant flowers in the color of the bloom or just do their own thing, older kids can write the names of plants on the rocks or make their own gardening memoirs. This will keep their enthusiasm up till the plants grow. Through this exercise, they will be able to express their creativity by sketching what the plants would look like and recording when they sowed the seeds and when they first noticed a plant growing.

Final Thoughts

We hope this list of tips for gardening with your kids helps you get your kids involved and interested in gardening. Whether in your backyard or a corner in your apartment, a garden can provide your children with an unrivaled opportunity to learn about biology and their surroundings while also helping you by planting, watering, and pulling weeds. Finally, it’s also a fantastic method to get them more physically active. 

Do you want to try gardening with your kids? Keep reading to get our best tips for getting your kids involved and excited about gardening!

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